24 Hour Courier Service

Stockport Couriers

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, February 12, 2019 Under: Motorbike Couriers
Stockport Couriers. There are a lot of reasons to choose a local courier delivery company over one of the larger chain or international options. You might know from experience how they treat their customers and the freight that they transport, it may have to do with pricing or it may be a matter of timing. If you don't have personal experience with a Stockport courier, there are some very important things you should know before deciding which one to ship your items with.

Stockport Couriers Reputation

Most courier delivery companies survive on this part of the equation. Unparalleled customer service, faithfully on time deliveries and the utmost care with handling the materials that you ship is what stands many courier services apart from and above the larger nationally recognized shipping services.

Before choosing a courier, you'll want to know their percentage of on time deliveries and their percentage of parcels that get damaged during the shipping process. If the percentage of on time deliveries isn't extremely close to one hundred and the damaged parcels isn't extremely close to zero then you might want to consider another option.

Cost of Services

The cost of the same shipment from one courier delivery company to the next can vary quite a bit, some of the change in cost has to do with extra services that one courier will provide over the other and some is just one company charging too much for their service, before you make a decision you need to know the difference. What exactly is included from each courier delivery company?

As with most products you buy and services you use, blindly picking based upon the cheapest price alone isn't always your best option, but you don't want to overpay for similar service if you don't have to. Choosing the best value for the best service will often get your parcel where it needs to be in one piece and on time, while saving you a bit of money over the major national companies, but it's not worth trying to save the money if you're putting your shipment at risk.


With the major national delivery chains, you insure your parcel for what it's worth and if it gets lost or destroyed you can file a claim to get that money back. You want this same type of guarantee from a courier delivery company. Even the best of companies will have an accident or unfortunate incident occur at times, if your parcel happens to be one of those accidents or unfortunate incidents then you want to make sure that you're covered.

All of the national chains do enough business and have deep enough pockets to afford even paying for the most costly lost or damaged parcel with no problem, some small, local, fly-by-night company may be struggling to make ends meet and could have skipped paying their liability this month to be able to keep their doors open - if there is any question as to whether or not some type of insurance will be covering your parcel - do not use that service, plain and simple.

There are a few other considerations that may come into play, for instance some courier services may work and make deliveries at all hours of the day or even on holidays if necessary, provided that you are willing to pay additional for that service. If you need unusual things transported, a courier delivery service may be your only option. Regardless of what you're shipping and where you're shipping it to you want to be sure to use a reliable service with a good reputation to ensure that the package that you are shipping actually makes it to it's destination in the same condition that it left your hands.

In : Motorbike Couriers 

Tags: stockport motorbike couriers   


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