Riding tips for beginners
Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, December 24, 2019 Under: Motorbike Riding Skills

When you're driving a full-sized car or truck, you can usually go over pot holes, small rocks and other debris without causing any harm to your vehicle. In a motorcycle, however, these small and otherwise harmless obstructions pose a serious risk to your safety, as well as the safety of motorists around you. Keep an eye on the road, constantly scanning for potential hazards. If you notice a hazard in the road, make evasive maneuvers to avoid it.

Because motorcycles have only two tires instead of four, it's paramount that riders get into the habit of checking them for signs of wear on a regular basis. You can refer to the tire manufacturer's specifications for more information on when to change them. Alternatively, you can use the penny test. To perform the penny test, place a penny head-first down into the tread of your tire. If you can see any of Abe's head sticking out, the tires are worn and need to be replaced. If the head is covered, the tires are still good.

Because motorcycles have only two tires instead of four, it's paramount that riders get into the habit of checking them for signs of wear on a regular basis. You can refer to the tire manufacturer's specifications for more information on when to change them. Alternatively, you can use the penny test. To perform the penny test, place a penny head-first down into the tread of your tire. If you can see any of Abe's head sticking out, the tires are worn and need to be replaced. If the head is covered, the tires are still good.

Whether it's a street/sport motorcycle or a chopper-style, all motorcycles require some basic maintenance to function safely and efficiently. This includes routine oil changes, replacing the spark plugs, checking fluid levels (and adding more fluid when needed), etc.

According to data from the International Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS), motorcycles with antilock brakes are 37% less likely to be involved in fatal crashes when compared to motorcycles without them. Normally, when the brakes lock up, it prevents the rider from changing course and avoiding collision. With antilock brakes, however, the rider will retain full control over his or her motorcycle; thus, reducing the risk of a collision.

This may go against some riders' personal style, but it's important to ride defensively when on a motorcycle. It's usually not your own mistakes and mishaps that you need to look out for. Instead, it's other motorists on the road, many of whom will veer into your lane unannounced. You can reduce the risk of a collision by taking a defensive approach to your motorcycle riding, giving yourself plenty of space between the car in front of you, and avoiding the blind spots of other motorists.
Tags: motorbike safety warrington