24 Hour Courier Service

Blackpool Couriers

Posted by Howard Trott on Tuesday, February 12, 2019 Under: Motorbike Couriers
Blackpool Couriers. With the continuing rise in the 'cost of living' being set continue into next year many companies, small and large, are looking for ways to keep their overheads and running costs as low as possible.

Blackpool Courier services can help reduce costs by looking for cheap courier insurance deals. Online insurance companies are looking for new customers all the time. Many will offer discounts for new business ventures in their first year.

There are a number of ways to help lower the cost of Cheap Courier Insurance premiums. This applies to both owner operators and businesses which operator more than one courier vehicle.

Increasing the amount of voluntary excess. Many insurance companies will enable you to increase the excess on the policy. Although this may help reduce the cost of the premium it will also mean that you will have to pay more should you have the need to make a claim. There are strict terms and conditions applied and there is no guarantee that you will be offered this type of option.

The smaller the engine size of the vehicle the lower the premiums will be. Each vehicle will fall into an insurance 'class'. These will be used by the insurance companies to calculate the premium costs. The replacement value of the vehicle is also taken into consideration by the insurers.

One of the largest savings courier services which operate more than three or four vehicles can make is to restrict the insurance to named drivers only. Policies which provide cover for 'any driver' are more expensive due to the increased risks to the insurers. Single driver policies are usually less expensive, especially if they are owner-driver only.

Giving consideration as to the type of insurance cover you are looking will also make a difference to the premiums.

By far the cheapest vehicle insurance is Third Party Only. Providing cover which meets the legal requirements for driving in the UK and cover for a Third Party vehicle if the accident was caused by you. This level of insurance cover will not pay any money for damage repairs to your vehicle. Neither will it provide cover for any goods you are carrying. Many companies and individuals who use a courier service to deliver or collect goods for them will not use couriers who do not have sufficient insurance cover.

Goods in Transit insurance will often be required. This is not included within a Cheap Courier Insurance premium, or any other type of policy. It is an optional extra that will have to be added if needed. The insurance company will need to know the nature of the goods you will be carry, also the places of collection and destination as these will have an effect on the premiums. It is possible to obtain courier insurance for 'undisclosed goods'; however the premiums will be higher. As restrictions and exemptions will apply to all Goods in Transit insurance cover. It is advisable to contact the insurers and discuss your business needs fully or arrange for a 'call back' at a convenient time.

In : Motorbike Couriers 

Tags: blackpool motorbike couriers   


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